Maybe we enjoy superhero stories and movies so much because we get to live, through the superheroes, lives, and experiences that we could not otherwise dream of. For the few moments we spend with a superhero on the big screen, we are stronger, braver, smarter, bolder, and more powerful than as our everyday, ordinary selves. But it's not just comic and movie superheroes who live lives of courage and adventure. Followers of Jesus are called every day to step out boldly and live extraordinary lives of purpose and adventure. It doesn't take a genetic mutation or a run-in with some gamma rays to be a Superhero of the Faith. It only takes a close walk with God, faithfulness in each moment, and willingness to say, "I'm in!" to be made into the bravest superhero and make a difference for God and others. Join the Superheroes of Faith Team! There's a cape waiting just for you! Chapel Connect Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egOuLcTnacc

Superheroes come in all sizes and shapes. In the Marvel Universe of Superheroes Ant-man can shrink himself to the size of an ant - less than 1cm tall, and Giant-Man towers over all the others at 60 feet tall! When it comes to being Superheroes of the Faith, we tend to think that most of us don't have what it takes to make a difference, that we are too small, too weak, not smart enough or talented enough. But Superheroes of the Faith come in all sizes, too. And from God's perspective, sometimes smaller is better - all the more opportunity for God to do big things through us. Whatever your size or ability, God has super-sized plans for you and your life! Message Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RL3PplXnBw&t=1s

Superheroes are always landing in the middle of the mess, the chaos, the problem, or the crime to save the day! We wish we had such power to so easily clean up our own lives. Maybe we do... Here in Chapel Connect during July, we are taking a deep dive into the stories of several biblical superheroes. Today we meet Esther who finds herself in her own dilemma. But rather than despairing, she works with God to not only save herself but all the Jewish people living in the land at that time. Superheroes of the Faith don't very often (ever?) save the day by their own power, but with God, there is always a way forward. After you listen to Esther's story, consider keeping a journal of all the ways you are seeing God show up, right in the middle of your mess. God is faithful to God's promise to always be with you and bless you. Just keep your eye out for God! Like, share, and subscribe to stay connected to Union Chapel Indy's Chapel Connect! Chapel Connect Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVXtrEgcpz8

We know superheroes by the amazing feats they accomplish with their superpowers... Superman can "leap tall buildings in a single bound!" Captain America is super strong. Black Panther is super fast and can see in the dark. Elastigirl can stretch any part of her body and mold herself into different shapes and sizes. Their superpowers tend to be the best known things about these superheroes, even after the details of their lives and stories have faded from memory. What will people remember about us? What stories will people tell about us after the details of our lives have faded from memory? Will they remember how poorly we treated our spouse in the grocery store when we became angry, or will they remember our grace, kindness, encouragement and generosity? Will they remember our drive to succeed or the ways we showed them Jesus' lovingkindness? What stories will people tell about you some day? What superpower will you choose to show the world? Sunday Message Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcMVowVK968&t=3s

Here in Chapel Connect during July we are taking a deep dive into the stories of several biblical superheroes. Today we meet Rahab and discover that Superheroes of the Faith don't always make a grand entrance and save the day. Sometimes they are simply faithful to the small task given them on any particular day. Today we also learn a strategy for getting more out of our Bible reading. Use the following three questions to find more meaning and gain insight in the Bible stories you read: What does this story say about humans, about humanity? What does this story say about God? What does this story say about God's relationship with humanity? Chapel Connect Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwS3MHThlwA

In their ordinary, everyday lives, movie superheros live pretty average lives. Clark Kent goes to work everyday as a journalist. Diana Prince worked as a secretary. Bob and Helen Parr live in the suburbs with their three children. Most people around them had no idea of their secret, superhero lives. Only when they don their superhero costumes and save the day with their superpowers do we recognize them as Superman, Wonder Woman, and the Incredibles. Such transformations and their extraordinary feats of power make for a good movie! Making the leap from ordinary to extraordinary seems more than most of us can imagine. We don't have the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound, transform into an Amazonian goddess in an instant, or corral our kids to all smile for the family photo, much less lead them in saving the world! But not all superpowers are so obvious. And not all superheroes wear flashy costumes. The Bible gives us endless stories of people who lived ordinary, unassuming lives until God called - and equipped - them to do something extraordinary. Noah was as ordinary as anyone in his day, but because he trusted God, he saved humanity from extinction. God offers us the same excitement and extraordinary experiences. Grab your cape and join the adventure! Message Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nCY846PgXs&t=3s

Making the leap from ordinary to extraordinary seems more than most of us can imagine. We don't have the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound, transform into an Amazonian goddess in an instant, or corral our kids to all smile for the family photo, much less lead them in saving the world! But not all superpowers are so obvious. And not all superheroes wear flashy costumes. The Bible gives us endless stories of people who lived ordinary, unassuming lives until God called - and equipped - them to do something extraordinary... Chapel Connect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5jN8c4hixU