Our own Rhonda Tamulonis brings a message of love, reflecting upon Valentine's Day. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUQy-2R72Dk

Everyone lives by some purpose, goal, or standard. Maybe your purpose in life is to assure your family's safety and happiness. Maybe your goal is to get to the top of your profession. Maybe your priority is to spend as much time as possible in leisure pursuits. Whatever it is, you put effort, resources, and intention towards it. You do your best to learn, apply, and master the tips, techniques, and strategies to move you most efficiently and effectively toward your hoped-for end. Jesus also had a very clear standard for his life. When asked what the most important commandment (directive for living) was, he said very clearly: Love God and love others. Everything else grew out of these priorities. Followers of Jesus commit to this same goal and purpose. And the good news is, it's not as hard as you might think to keep your focus on loving God and loving others! Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wP19IDgyHvc

In his book "Staying in Love," Andy Stanley writes..."We all know what’s required to fall in love… a pulse." He points out, however, the fact of the matter in the book's subtitle: "Falling in love is easy. Staying in love requires a plan." Truer words have maybe never been spoken. We'd all like to think that the feelings of falling in love will see us through the tough times of a relationship, but that rarely happens. Staying in love requires intention, commitment, discipline, and action. That goes for staying in love with God, too! As we continue to discover what is "Uniquely UMC," we consider the last of Wesley's General Rules, Stay in Love with God. As we seek to Do No Harm and Do Good, we're going to need a vital, vibrant, and deep relationship with God. To be God's people in the world, we'll need to Stay in Love with God! Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wddzig1-fXk

Most of us learn at a young age that to share with another is a benefit to both the giver and receiver. Young children are taught to share, and we often hear, "It is better to give than to receive." We feel good about blessing or aiding another, and the other finds joy in the gift. Giving and doing good is also a core tenet of the United Methodist tradition. In fact, "do good" is the second of John Wesley's General Rules that guide our faith and life together. In additional to: FIRST Doing No Harm, and Staying In Love With God, as we Do Good, we witness to God's goodness real and active in the world. This week in UniquelyUMC, we learn more about how Jesus' love is manifest in the world as we "do good." Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQBMTweJBzw

Simple Kindness: Christian hospitality is the active desire to invite, welcome, receive and care for those who are strangers so that they find a spiritual home and discover an unending life in Jesus Christ. When we build a relationship with someone they cease to be a stranger. We should notice that the actions Christ desires us to perform are not beyond our ability. The simple act of sharing a meal has implications for our eternal reward. Spending our time with those in need matters a great deal to Jesus. After all, he committed all of his time to the needs of the world. He wants those who serve him to share in this same attitude... Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_KJFdcbpXo

For some people, it's fun to throw a nice party. For some, to plan an interesting guest list, set a nice table, and plan special food is the epitome of hospitality. To be remembered for a lovely event is thanks enough for their efforts that welcomed others into their presence and home. In the Gospel of John, Jesus welcomes people into his "home," his dwelling place and relationship with God. He does it not with a lavish setting and fancy food. He does it on his knees as he washes the guests' feet. To welcome and love like Jesus is a tall order. But the Beatles taught us just how easy it really is... All You Need Is Love. <3 Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TffWrzKRQzQ

There is power in securing our own destinies. We like to be the planners of our futures, the decision-makers for our next steps, and the authors of our own stories. Even as children this was our tendency. We made up our own rules for playground games and we liked the books in which we could pick the ending. To be in control makes us feel safe and gives us a sense of security. To that end, we also stockpile supplies, money, and resources. If a little is good, more will be better - and safer! As we've explored some of Jesus' parables in this series, "Go & Do," we've discovered that parables allow us to choose our own ending. We get to decide how Jesus' stories will end in and with us. When we discover that Jesus loves us, how will that change us? How will that love show up in where we go and what we do? When we discover that we are more blessed in relationship than when we are isolated, who will we go to? What will we do to be a blessing and be blessed in friendship and connection? And this week, when we discover that we are blessed with far more than we will ever need, what do we do to bless others with that abundance? This week we write the ending of our own giving story as we seek to bless others out of our own blessings. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5wQMSujNsk

Who we believe these days has become quite a topic of consideration. Is your news source really a news outlet, or is it... something else. Who do you trust to speak truth, provide reliable information and advice, and have your best interests at heart? Most of us won't listen to just anybody. And those we trust the most are those with whom we have a shared history and know the best. And if we have good news to share, a blessing to pass along, or wisdom to impart, who might listen to us? It will only be those with whom we have a trusted relationship. God blesses us with connection not solely for our own benefit, but also for the benefit of those around us. When we share what we have with those we know and love, the entire community benefits. We are connected not to build ourselves up, we are connected to care. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FrsiAJcjNc

In nearly any given situation, it’s natural to ask ourselves, “What is required of me?” In a new job, we want to know the expectations and responsibilities. In a social setting, it’s helpful to know if we are in a casual situation or if we are in a more formal setting where our very best manners are called into play. Maybe we’re new to town, or a school, or a neighborhood… How are things done here? What is expected of me to be a good citizen, succeed in class, or be a caring neighbor? The Bible, our faith tradition, and our personal biases contribute to what we believe is expected of us as followers of Jesus. But maybe the best place to discover this is from Jesus himself. And, as much as we’d like to know precisely what the basic expectations are in certain areas of our lives, Jesus calls his followers to generosity and compassion in all areas. Jesus doesn’t ask us to just meet a list of do’s and don'ts, check off just so many boxes, or just believe certain things. Jesus asks us to give him our hearts, our relationships, and our physical and material lives - everything. To be a good steward of the abundant blessings and grace Jesus has poured into our lives, is to let Jesus have his way with our lives and possessions. Jesus expects more than our presence in church and a few dollars in the offering plates; Jesus expects us to go and do like he did… living and loving, generously, faithfully, and with an abundance of mercy and compassion. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0SI6pRv3uw

Could you have guessed ten years ago what your life would be like today? Even looking back over the last year, would you have thought that you would be living where you are today, doing the things you are doing today, and have the priorities that you have today? Life can be uncertain, and like our GPS apps leading us through construction, we are constantly recalculating. The Old Testament story of Ruth is a story about a family and their lives that take many unexpected twists and turns. They face difficult times, hard decisions, loss, hunger, and financial hardship. They live for a time as aliens in a foreign country and on the margins in their own hometown. Throughout though, they discover that the protection and provision of God is present and powerful, leading them always toward God's plan and purposes. We may not always know where we're headed, but when God goes before and with us, we always know where we are - safe in God's loving care. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0kjKLAE0EA