In his book "Staying in Love," Andy Stanley writes..."We all know what’s required to fall in love… a pulse." He points out, however, the fact of the matter in the book's subtitle: "Falling in love is easy. Staying in love requires a plan." Truer words have maybe never been spoken. We'd all like to think that the feelings of falling in love will see us through the tough times of a relationship, but that rarely happens. Staying in love requires intention, commitment, discipline, and action. That goes for staying in love with God, too! As we continue to discover what is "Uniquely UMC," we consider the last of Wesley's General Rules, Stay in Love with God. As we seek to Do No Harm and Do Good, we're going to need a vital, vibrant, and deep relationship with God. To be God's people in the world, we'll need to Stay in Love with God! Worship Link: