Did your parents have 'sayings' they oft recited to impart wisdom and shape your character? Things like, "Leave the space better than you found it." Or maybe you work for a company that seeks to influence employees with repeated slogans... "Safety first!" John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, left adherents with three rules to guide their life together in faith: Do no harm. Do good. Stay in love with God. While Methodists often refer to these as the "Three Simple Rules," they are not that simple to live by! But they do provide a solid guide to living in a way that blesses the person, the church, and the world. In July at Union Chapel Indy we explore these three simple rules that are as relevant today as when Wesley gave them to us in the 1700's. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9_aqfrpWoI

We may still be enjoying some leftover Easter candy and the lilies we picked up at church or the grocery, but the big day is behind us. Easter, the highest, holiest day on the Church calendar is already a memory. So now what? Followers of Jesus spend the majority of their time outside of the church building and outside of faith formation practices (such as prayer and Bible reading). Most followers spend as much as 98% of their week NOT doing religious stuff. We spend most of our time at home, at work or school, with family, friends, colleagues, and more. And where is God and our faith in all of these other hours, activities, relationships and pursuits? God and trust in God's goodness (faith) is found throughout each and every day, if we will but look. Faith is found in our joys and cares, in our challenges and conflicts; faith informs our thinking and our action; faith has the power to infuse our days with joy and our activities with purpose. Faith is simply an ongoing encounter with God through Jesus. Everyday Faith is just as holy and special as Easter Sunday. Maybe more so... Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=verjZTUDuYU

The ancient Greek philosopher, Socrates, said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” A more well-known quote, though, is “Ignorance is bliss.” Just imagine these two perspectives applied to the purchase of a home. Would you rather buy and live in a house that had never been inspected? Or would you prefer a home that had been completely examined? Most of us would rather know the condition of the home. When you are aware, you can make urgent repairs, schedule seasonal enhancements, and plan for improvements to meet your long-term needs. It’s the same with the condition of your faith. The examination of your soul gives you the opportunity to become more loving and Christ-like. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVYksqe3bQw

This time of year in the Midwest it's wise to keep your vehicle serviced and ready for inclement weather. Snow, ice, and rain are on the weather menu on any given day. If your car is not ready, you are going to have trouble getting where you are going. We especially need to make sure our windshield wipers are in good repair and we have plenty of windshield wiper fluid. Your journey can come to a complete stand-still if you can't get your windshield clean. Without being able to see where you are headed, it's impossible to get there! The same is true with our journey of faith. It's hard to make any progress toward God, toward love, and toward faithful living if we can't see where we're headed. Jesus helps us keep our sight clear and focused, so that we can journey toward God with confidence and clarity! Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtlOs5Zgcwk

There's no doubt about it. We all have doubts. I doubt that I'll get that job... promotion... raise. I doubt that I will ever travel to exotic locations around the world. I doubt that I can ever give up smoking. I doubt she's telling me the truth. I doubt that my spouse really loves me. I doubt... I doubt... I doubt.... What would it take to erase some of your doubts? Would you have to see that first pay stub to believe you really got the raise? How many days without cigarettes would it take to convince you that you had really kicked the habit? Is there anything your friend can do to convince you she's telling you the truth? After Jesus' resurrection, the disciples had trouble believing that he was alive. One, in particular, Thomas, wanted physical proof that Jesus was alive. He wanted to touch the nails scars in his hands and put his hand in the wound in Jesus' side before he would believe. Thomas asked Jesus for what he needed to believe. You can, too. The road to faith often begins at doubt. Let's travel together and see what we discover. Worship link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OJs-Y71D1Y

Superheroes come in all sizes and shapes. In the Marvel Universe of Superheroes Ant-man can shrink himself to the size of an ant - less than 1cm tall, and Giant-Man towers over all the others at 60 feet tall! When it comes to being Superheroes of the Faith, we tend to think that most of us don't have what it takes to make a difference, that we are too small, too weak, not smart enough or talented enough. But Superheroes of the Faith come in all sizes, too. And from God's perspective, sometimes smaller is better - all the more opportunity for God to do big things through us. Whatever your size or ability, God has super-sized plans for you and your life! Message Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RL3PplXnBw&t=1s

As we have been discovering over this three-week series what a "Simple Faith" looks like, we hope you're discovering for yourself how to grow a simple, life-giving, life-changing faith... Worship Link: https://youtu.be/6i6_kzeujDg