There's no doubt about it. We all have doubts. I doubt that I'll get that job... promotion... raise. I doubt that I will ever travel to exotic locations around the world. I doubt that I can ever give up smoking. I doubt she's telling me the truth. I doubt that my spouse really loves me. I doubt... I doubt... I doubt.... What would it take to erase some of your doubts? Would you have to see that first pay stub to believe you really got the raise? How many days without cigarettes would it take to convince you that you had really kicked the habit? Is there anything your friend can do to convince you she's telling you the truth? After Jesus' resurrection, the disciples had trouble believing that he was alive. One, in particular, Thomas, wanted physical proof that Jesus was alive. He wanted to touch the nails scars in his hands and put his hand in the wound in Jesus' side before he would believe. Thomas asked Jesus for what he needed to believe. You can, too. The road to faith often begins at doubt. Let's travel together and see what we discover. Worship link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OJs-Y71D1Y
Worship link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OJs-Y71D1Y