The Hacked Life | Follow

Especially for those outside the faith - but also for those seeking to follow Jesus - being a Christian can be confusing. There seems to be so many rules, restrictions, and exclusions! But at its core, the Christian tradition is about Jesus. And Jesus didn't give us rules, restrictions, or regulations. Jesus extended an invitation. To all kinds of people he met in all kinds of circumstances, he simply said, "Follow me." Life with Jesus does not have to be complicated or burdensome. The Bible gives us some clear, concise words to guide and grow our spiritual lives. And just like life hacks make our day-to-day easier, there are tools and techniques for incorporating more of Jesus into our everyday lives. How about some 'faith hacks' to make life with Jesus a bit easier? Worship Link:

Have you noticed that if you look online for a recipe you have to slog through commentary, personal anecdotes, photos, and cooking tips before you ever get to the recipe? While all that might be interesting and helpful, the practical information needed for the endeavor - in the form of ingredients, measurements, and instructions - is nearly the last thing on the site! In the Book of Colossians we find lots of beautiful prose and lofty writing about who Jesus is, the high calling of being a follower, and the power of a life lived with Jesus. While all inspiring and helpful, it's not until near the end of the letter that we find the 'how-to's' of connecting with Jesus in meaningful ways. And when we get it, just like so many recipes, we often find that the practical steps to the new creation are not all that complicated. A few easy steps can create a yummy dish - and a meaningful life of faith! Worship Link:

As a people, we tend to like new things... a delicious new recipe, new clothes, an exciting new destination to visit. Sometimes we choose the 'new,' and sometimes the 'new' just - - shows up. The Gospel of Matthew, the first book of the Christian New Testament, is about 'new' (among other things). And that 'new' is Jesus. In Jesus, Matthew shows his readers that Jesus is not just a new way to experience God, but that Jesus also brings a new understanding of faith and faithful living. And sometimes to fully experience the 'new,' some of the old has to go. Are you ready for a 'new' adventure!? Worship Link:

The Eye of the Storm

"Gone fishing" is the sign on the door of many an angler this time of year. The long days, the warm breezes, and the hope of a good catch lure expert fishers and weekend casters, alike. And the stories that come home can be real whoppers! The high adventure intensifies with every telling and the fish get longer with every measure of outstretched arms. The fishing is fun, the stories are engaging, and the remembering is almost as good as the doing. The Bible gives us a whopper of a fish story, too. Only in this tale, the fish does the catching. God gives Jonah a specific assignment. But not wanting to obey God's instruction, Jonah heads the opposite direction... on a boat... and out to sea. Everything goes terribly wrong, and Jonah finds himself in the belly of a great fish. Thinking he was walking away from a difficult task to live on easy street, Jonah finds himself in deep water. Thinking he could flee from God, Jonah finds that God is with him even in the belly of the fish. There's no place we can go where God's mercy can't reach us, even in the middle of the storm. Worship Link:

Sunday Message: Outside the Box

Maybe we enjoy superhero stories and movies so much because we get to live, through the superheroes, lives and experiences that we could not otherwise dream of. For the few moments we with spend with a superhero on the big screen, we are stronger, braver, smarter, bolder, and more powerful than as our everyday, ordinary selves. But it's not just comic and movie superheroes who live lives of courage and adventure. Followers of Jesus are called every day to step out boldly and live extraordinary lives of purpose and adventure. It doesn't take a genetic mutation or a run-in with some gamma rays to be a Superhero of the Faith. It only takes a close walk with God, faithfulness in each moment, and willingness to say, "I'm in!" to be made into the bravest superhero and make a difference for God and others. Join the Superheroes of Faith Team! There's a cape waiting just for you! Sunday Message Link:

Maybe we enjoy superhero stories and movies so much because we get to live, through the superheroes, lives, and experiences that we could not otherwise dream of. For the few moments we spend with a superhero on the big screen, we are stronger, braver, smarter, bolder, and more powerful than as our everyday, ordinary selves. But it's not just comic and movie superheroes who live lives of courage and adventure. Followers of Jesus are called every day to step out boldly and live extraordinary lives of purpose and adventure. It doesn't take a genetic mutation or a run-in with some gamma rays to be a Superhero of the Faith. It only takes a close walk with God, faithfulness in each moment, and willingness to say, "I'm in!" to be made into the bravest superhero and make a difference for God and others. Join the Superheroes of Faith Team! There's a cape waiting just for you! Chapel Connect Link:

Superheroes are always landing in the middle of the mess, the chaos, the problem, or the crime to save the day! We wish we had such power to so easily clean up our own lives. Maybe we do... Here in Chapel Connect during July, we are taking a deep dive into the stories of several biblical superheroes. Today we meet Esther who finds herself in her own dilemma. But rather than despairing, she works with God to not only save herself but all the Jewish people living in the land at that time. Superheroes of the Faith don't very often (ever?) save the day by their own power, but with God, there is always a way forward. After you listen to Esther's story, consider keeping a journal of all the ways you are seeing God show up, right in the middle of your mess. God is faithful to God's promise to always be with you and bless you. Just keep your eye out for God! Like, share, and subscribe to stay connected to Union Chapel Indy's Chapel Connect! Chapel Connect Link:

We know superheroes by the amazing feats they accomplish with their superpowers... Superman can "leap tall buildings in a single bound!" Captain America is super strong. Black Panther is super fast and can see in the dark. Elastigirl can stretch any part of her body and mold herself into different shapes and sizes. Their superpowers tend to be the best known things about these superheroes, even after the details of their lives and stories have faded from memory. What will people remember about us? What stories will people tell about us after the details of our lives have faded from memory? Will they remember how poorly we treated our spouse in the grocery store when we became angry, or will they remember our grace, kindness, encouragement and generosity? Will they remember our drive to succeed or the ways we showed them Jesus' lovingkindness? What stories will people tell about you some day? What superpower will you choose to show the world? Sunday Message Link:

Selfie: #livingchanged

When the temps drop down to the single digits we have to get serious about appropriate winter attire. To be out in that kind of cold for even a short time means that we have to put on a warm hat; get our big, heavy gloves out; and dig the long, super warm coat out of that back of the closet. Conversely, when the summer temps climb into the upper 80’s and 90’s and the sun is out, you need to don lightweight color and fabrics, wear a hat, and even wear sunscreen. Being a follower of Jesus requires its own kind of "wardrobe." But not a wardrobe that only gets worn for a season, on Sundays, or for special occasions. Life as a follower of Jesus requires us to clean out our closets, get rid of all the things we wore in our life before Jesus, and keep only those garments that God has chosen for us. It may mean getting rid of some of our favorite things. But when we choose to keep and wear what God picks out for us, we can be sure that it will always fit, is always in style, and is always perfect for the occasion. #livechanged. Worship Link:

Who doesn't like to be liked? Being liked feels good. Being liked by someone can be the start of a deep and meaningful relationship with that person. And affirmation and positive input from the people around us helps us learn what is socially acceptable and how to get along with others. But we live in a society that is consumed with approval and affirmation... a world that idolizes one's ability to fit in, be popular, and conform to the latest trends and styles. But life is not about how many "Likes" you get or how well you've imitated the popular people or trending styles you find on social media. God doesn't call us to conform to the ways of the world, but to be transformed by God's influence in our lives. To be liked by others feels good, but to be made more like God is the goal of a follower of Jesus. Worship Link:
