Consecration Sunday

"The point is this..." Have you ever had a long conversation with someone about something very important, only to discover that after all is said and done that the core of the issue is something very simple? While there may be much to say on the subject, and while there may be much-supporting material for one view and the other, and while speakers may be verbose and bring many thoughtful ideas, there really is only one main concern. "The point is this..." Of all the New Testament writers, Paul and those who wrote like him, seemed to have the greatest knack for using many words, illustrations, and related stories to express his heart and enthusiasm for Jesus and the life Jesus calls us to. So when he finally gets to a place of saying, "The point is this...," we know we have come to the heart of the matter. And when Paul writes about the generosity of the churches towards the ministry and the needs around them, his "point" is worth our considering even today. It's simple, profound, and so consistent with who we are called to be with Jesus that it's easy to overlook, dismiss, or skim past. But if we'll pause with Paul to consider how God would have us think about our generosity, we'll discover the point is this... giving has nothing to do with budgets, bills, or bank accounts, and everything to do with you and God. This is the point... Worship Link:

A Bout with Doubt

There's no doubt about it. We all have doubts. I doubt that I'll get that job... promotion... raise. I doubt that I will ever travel to exotic locations around the world. I doubt that I can ever give up smoking. I doubt she's telling me the truth. I doubt that my spouse really loves me. I doubt... I doubt... I doubt.... What would it take to erase some of your doubts? Would you have to see that first pay stub to believe you really got the raise? How many days without cigarettes would it take to convince you that you had really kicked the habit? Is there anything your friend can do to convince you she's telling you the truth?  After Jesus' resurrection, the disciples had trouble believing that he was alive. One, in particular, Thomas, wanted physical proof that Jesus was alive. He wanted to touch the nails scars in his hands and put his hand in the wound in Jesus' side before he would believe. Thomas asked Jesus for what he needed to believe. You can, too. The road to faith often begins at doubt. Let's travel together and see what we discover. Worship link:

Forward Focus

It was the famous baseball player Satchel Paige who once said, "don't look back, something might be gaining on you!" Without realizing it, we often carry something around with us wherever we go. We bring it out in our conversations and through our actions and attitudes. Those things from our past may never have really existed, or been experienced by us personally, yet their power lives within us, paralyzing us from moving forward and causing us to look backward. What would keep us from perceiving what God is doing? Maybe it is expecting things to look exactly like what was done in the past. Are you copying patterns of the past or do you have a forward focus to the future with great expectation that God is working a new thing? Scripture: Isaiah 43:18-19 18 Do not remember the former things or consider the things of old. 19 I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Worship link:

Sunday Message: Outside the Box

Maybe we enjoy superhero stories and movies so much because we get to live, through the superheroes, lives and experiences that we could not otherwise dream of. For the few moments we with spend with a superhero on the big screen, we are stronger, braver, smarter, bolder, and more powerful than as our everyday, ordinary selves. But it's not just comic and movie superheroes who live lives of courage and adventure. Followers of Jesus are called every day to step out boldly and live extraordinary lives of purpose and adventure. It doesn't take a genetic mutation or a run-in with some gamma rays to be a Superhero of the Faith. It only takes a close walk with God, faithfulness in each moment, and willingness to say, "I'm in!" to be made into the bravest superhero and make a difference for God and others. Join the Superheroes of Faith Team! There's a cape waiting just for you! Sunday Message Link:

Maybe we enjoy superhero stories and movies so much because we get to live, through the superheroes, lives, and experiences that we could not otherwise dream of. For the few moments we spend with a superhero on the big screen, we are stronger, braver, smarter, bolder, and more powerful than as our everyday, ordinary selves. But it's not just comic and movie superheroes who live lives of courage and adventure. Followers of Jesus are called every day to step out boldly and live extraordinary lives of purpose and adventure. It doesn't take a genetic mutation or a run-in with some gamma rays to be a Superhero of the Faith. It only takes a close walk with God, faithfulness in each moment, and willingness to say, "I'm in!" to be made into the bravest superhero and make a difference for God and others. Join the Superheroes of Faith Team! There's a cape waiting just for you! Chapel Connect Link:

Superheroes come in all sizes and shapes. In the Marvel Universe of Superheroes Ant-man can shrink himself to the size of an ant - less than 1cm tall, and Giant-Man towers over all the others at 60 feet tall! When it comes to being Superheroes of the Faith, we tend to think that most of us don't have what it takes to make a difference, that we are too small, too weak, not smart enough or talented enough. But Superheroes of the Faith come in all sizes, too. And from God's perspective, sometimes smaller is better - all the more opportunity for God to do big things through us. Whatever your size or ability, God has super-sized plans for you and your life! Message Link:

We know superheroes by the amazing feats they accomplish with their superpowers... Superman can "leap tall buildings in a single bound!" Captain America is super strong. Black Panther is super fast and can see in the dark. Elastigirl can stretch any part of her body and mold herself into different shapes and sizes. Their superpowers tend to be the best known things about these superheroes, even after the details of their lives and stories have faded from memory. What will people remember about us? What stories will people tell about us after the details of our lives have faded from memory? Will they remember how poorly we treated our spouse in the grocery store when we became angry, or will they remember our grace, kindness, encouragement and generosity? Will they remember our drive to succeed or the ways we showed them Jesus' lovingkindness? What stories will people tell about you some day? What superpower will you choose to show the world? Sunday Message Link:

In their ordinary, everyday lives, movie superheros live pretty average lives. Clark Kent goes to work everyday as a journalist. Diana Prince worked as a secretary. Bob and Helen Parr live in the suburbs with their three children. Most people around them had no idea of their secret, superhero lives. Only when they don their superhero costumes and save the day with their superpowers do we recognize them as Superman, Wonder Woman, and the Incredibles. Such transformations and their extraordinary feats of power make for a good movie! Making the leap from ordinary to extraordinary seems more than most of us can imagine. We don't have the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound, transform into an Amazonian goddess in an instant, or corral our kids to all smile for the family photo, much less lead them in saving the world! But not all superpowers are so obvious. And not all superheroes wear flashy costumes. The Bible gives us endless stories of people who lived ordinary, unassuming lives until God called - and equipped - them to do something extraordinary. Noah was as ordinary as anyone in his day, but because he trusted God, he saved humanity from extinction. God offers us the same excitement and extraordinary experiences. Grab your cape and join the adventure! Message Link:

Selfie: #livingchanged

When the temps drop down to the single digits we have to get serious about appropriate winter attire. To be out in that kind of cold for even a short time means that we have to put on a warm hat; get our big, heavy gloves out; and dig the long, super warm coat out of that back of the closet. Conversely, when the summer temps climb into the upper 80’s and 90’s and the sun is out, you need to don lightweight color and fabrics, wear a hat, and even wear sunscreen. Being a follower of Jesus requires its own kind of "wardrobe." But not a wardrobe that only gets worn for a season, on Sundays, or for special occasions. Life as a follower of Jesus requires us to clean out our closets, get rid of all the things we wore in our life before Jesus, and keep only those garments that God has chosen for us. It may mean getting rid of some of our favorite things. But when we choose to keep and wear what God picks out for us, we can be sure that it will always fit, is always in style, and is always perfect for the occasion. #livechanged. Worship Link:

Who doesn't like to be liked? Being liked feels good. Being liked by someone can be the start of a deep and meaningful relationship with that person. And affirmation and positive input from the people around us helps us learn what is socially acceptable and how to get along with others. But we live in a society that is consumed with approval and affirmation... a world that idolizes one's ability to fit in, be popular, and conform to the latest trends and styles. But life is not about how many "Likes" you get or how well you've imitated the popular people or trending styles you find on social media. God doesn't call us to conform to the ways of the world, but to be transformed by God's influence in our lives. To be liked by others feels good, but to be made more like God is the goal of a follower of Jesus. Worship Link:

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