Everyday is full of details, obligations, responsibilities, and tasks that require our attention and effort. Everyday we brush our teeth, feed our families, go to work, and get at least a little sleep. Everyday we seek to be our best selves, love the people who are important to us, and contribute value to our families, communities, and employers. And everyday - as followers of Jesus - we are called to serve and live like Jesus. Of all the everyday things we do everyday, this last might be the most daunting. To live like Jesus is a tall order! But it is also very doable. The everyday mission of a follower of Jesus is to simply love. And we can do that right where we are, with the people who are already around us. We can answer Jesus’ command to love God and love others through the everyday mission of loving our neighbors through acts of kindness. Join Union Chapel Indy in May to grow in the everyday mission of loving our neighbors. Worship link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxOYOoeHLTU
Worship link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxOYOoeHLTU