Many have been credited with coining the phrase, "talk the talk and walk the walk," which means to match one's efforts with one's words. The fact is that the gist of the phrase shows up repeatedly in various forms from the time of ancient philosophers to modern-day writers and leaders. At its heart, it's a phrase that invites someone to prove that they mean what they say by doing, living, and acting out those things. Not only has Union Chapel Indy been faithful in the last year in "walking the talk" by its faithfulness in outreach and mission, this week we also celebrate the One who is ultimately faithful in fulfilling their promises. This week we say, "Yay, God!" for God's faithfulness to show up in real and practical ways in and through the ministry and mission of Union Chapel Indy. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJdoR9xJ5VE

As we move quickly from the Halloween celebrations and the seasonal fall festivities to launch right into Christmas planning, preparation, and celebrating, it's easy to overlook this season of Thanksgiving. We're busy raking leaves, making holiday plans with extended family, and beginning the annual stress over gift shopping, giving, and receiving. But the church calendar invites a short season of reflection, and yes - thanksgiving. The church calendar actually begins its new year on the first Sunday of Advent, this year on December 3. And so as we close out this church year, we take a few weeks to remember, give thanks for, and celebrate God's goodness to us in every season. This week we "make a joyful noise to the Lord!" as we discover more fully what it means to "give thanks." Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0U5rymqy40&t=4s

How often do we find that we are lacking what we need for the moment? We need another hand to hold the board while we nail it. We are not tall enough to reach the top shelf of the cabinet. We don't have the knowledge or skill we need to fix what is broken. We are too sad, too heartbroken, too much in despair... too human... to handle the situation before us. We all have moments of feeling like we don't have what we need to handle the current crisis. And by ourselves, we might not. But with Jesus and others, we do. The saying... "We may not have it all together, but together we have it all," reminds us that we have everything we need to make it through the rough times and "live a life that pleases God" (2 Peter 1:3 CEV) today, everyday, together. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=047R95-A2XA

There is a saying or an idiom for every situation. Some are just fun. Some provide helpful wisdom... - If you want to fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. - Stop and smell the roses. - Get your ducks in a row! - Teamwork makes the dream work! If we will but employ the best of these, our everyday lives can be more effective and productive. But what wisdom would Jesus impart to us to help us be more fruitful and faithful followers of his on an everyday basis? A vibrant and meaningful everyday faith means moving through the world like Jesus. An everyday faith begins to make a difference every day when we routinely ask ourselves, "What would Jesus do?"... Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j39mv235hQw

Grandparents used to have "Brag Books" to show off their grandchildren. These small photo albums were always nearby to show a friend, family member - or complete stranger - how cute and accomplished their grandchildren were. Today we have Facebook, Instagram, and smartphone photos always at our fingertips to show off kids', grandkids', pets', and even our own best and brightest moments. The only "Brag Book" God has is God's people who tell the stories of God's good work in their lives and in the world. Thanksgiving Sunday (November 20) we "Praise God for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his surpassing greatness!" (Psalm 150:2 NRSV) as we brag on God's good work in and through the people of Union Chapel Indy... Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jf8HEKXoUAo

The older we get, and the busier we get, the more we seem to forget. What was I supposed to pick up at the grocery on my way home? Why did I come into the kitchen? What are the names of the new neighbors we just met last night? We bemoan the state of our memories and employ all sorts of tricks to help us remember, including asking the people around us to remind us and help us remember. But we don't just forget details and tasks of our daily lives. We also tend to forget really important and helpful things, like how very good God is and all that God has done for us and God's promise to always be with us. Don't forget to remember all God's mighty work on your behalf. Because what God has done, God can do again. (Read Mark 8:14-21. Recall one time when God abundantly provided for a need you had.) Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rL4OK-YqiA4

For all we are choosing not to do... for all we can't do... the one thing central to this day is one thing we absolutely CAN do... Worship link: https://youtu.be/8z98llm1BWk