Many have been credited with coining the phrase, "talk the talk and walk the walk," which means to match one's efforts with one's words. The fact is that the gist of the phrase shows up repeatedly in various forms from the time of ancient philosophers to modern-day writers and leaders. At its heart, it's a phrase that invites someone to prove that they mean what they say by doing, living, and acting out those things. Not only has Union Chapel Indy been faithful in the last year in "walking the talk" by its faithfulness in outreach and mission, this week we also celebrate the One who is ultimately faithful in fulfilling their promises. This week we say, "Yay, God!" for God's faithfulness to show up in real and practical ways in and through the ministry and mission of Union Chapel Indy. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJdoR9xJ5VE
Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJdoR9xJ5VE