The older we get, and the busier we get, the more we seem to forget. What was I supposed to pick up at the grocery on my way home? Why did I come into the kitchen? What are the names of the new neighbors we just met last night? We bemoan the state of our memories and employ all sorts of tricks to help us remember, including asking the people around us to remind us and help us remember. But we don't just forget details and tasks of our daily lives. We also tend to forget really important and helpful things, like how very good God is and all that God has done for us and God's promise to always be with us. Don't forget to remember all God's mighty work on your behalf. Because what God has done, God can do again. (Read Mark 8:14-21. Recall one time when God abundantly provided for a need you had.) Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rL4OK-YqiA4
Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rL4OK-YqiA4