Sacred People

The goodwill of the Christmas Season seems to soften our edges and make us more gentle and generous in many ways. We might drop some coins in the red buckets as we go in and out of stores. We might buy a gift for an underserved child. We might even make some year-end donations to causes we care about. But how might we carry this goodwill and generosity into all areas of our lives and the other eleven months of the year? Maybe if we refocus the lens of our hearts to see all people as God's beloved, we might discover that every person, in every season, reflects the sacred and is indeed worthy of respect, acceptance, love, and grace - always. Worship Link:

Sacred Time

Time is a funny thing... We count it as precious, and we waste it without a second thought. It stretches out before us as though it is endless, and we hoard it, monetize it, and treat it like a limited commodity. We label it based on its value and usefulness - break time, bedtime, time to go, spare time, time to get busy. And yet, all of it is a gift from the Creator, given freely and generously for our benefit. What if we thought less about what we wanted to get from time and more about what it had to offer? What if we began to see each moment as holy, reflecting the heart of the sacred? If we did, this might change the way we experience the Christmas season... and all of life. Worship Link:

Enough: Abundance

In the world's economy we are taught that there is only so much to go around; that if someone gets an unfairly large amount then someone else goes without. We learn to judge who is deserving of a fair share and who is not. In the world's economy it's all about scarcity, and we don't want to be on the side that gets short-changed! In God's economy, we see that there is more than enough for everyone. When God has authority over our resources, needs, hearts, and desires, we discover that we have enough. And not just us—everyone has enough! By God's divine abundance, we have enough for ourselves, each other, and all that God calls us to. Worship Link:

Enough: Withness

Have you ever wondered how much is enough? How much sleep at night is enough? How much time off is enough? How much money is enough? We tend to think that we never have enough of what we want (and too much of those things we don't!) While we feel as though we never have enough, God's word to us is that there is always enough. With God, in faithful community, there is enough. With God, we are enough, we have enough, and there is enough. And that is more than enough to celebrate! Worship Link:

Legacy of Hope: All Saints Sunday

Families are strange and wonderful things. Some are formed through births and marriages. Some are chosen. Some of us have no choice about the families in which we find ourselves, while some of us have carefully chosen whom we will call family. And yet, every family finds that it has its own unique cast of characters that make life together interesting, fun, meaningful... and difficult. In all of it, family is family regardless. Connected by love, a common heritage, covenants, commitments, and shared experiences a family travels through time together. Families are shaped by all those members who went before, and they will continue to evolve as future generations come and go. And so it is with the church. Connected in Christ, we are who we are because of who has come before, who is among us now, and the lasting legacy we hope to leave for those yet among us. On this All Saints Sunday we celebrate the household of God in its yesterday, its today, and its tomorrow. Worship Link:

If you had to spend the rest of your life on a deserted island—and you could only take three things with you—what would you take? It's likely that you would choose to take things that ensured your survival into the future, like a knife, matches, and a water filter. While we might want to take things of sentimental value, it is really only those things that contribute to a meaningful future that would earn a place in our backpack. When we think about our futures, what kinds of things do we suppose will have meaning there? Will our children value our old furniture - or the resiliency and work ethic we gifted them? Will the organizations we've been a part of need the things we accomplished through them in the past - or the quality culture we helped build? And when we think about the future of the Church, what will the future Church need to remain a faithful and effective witness for Jesus in the world? There really are only a few things of value that the future Church needs... and those things are all about God's promise, provision, and direction. Worship Link:

Sunday Hymn Sing

Hymn Sing Sunday! Sing along or simply just sit back and listen to all your favorite hymns presented by Andy Riggs, Minister of Music and the Worship Team at Union Chapel Indy. Worship Link:

Scripture is filled with intriguing characters who left profound legacies. As we look closer, we find that they were not that different from us. They too, experienced challenges, heartaches, successes, and failures. Their lives knew fear, doubt, and worry, and yet their lives bear witness to the everlasting story of God’s hope and love for God’s people. The Holy Spirit is hoping to do the same thing in our day and age through people just like us. We are called to be a story of hope, joy, and purpose that encourages and inspires future followers. What will be your legacy? Worship Link:

The Hacked Life: Love

Everyone lives by some purpose, goal, or standard. Maybe your purpose in life is to assure your family's safety and happiness. Maybe your goal is to get to the top of your profession. Maybe your priority is to spend as much time as possible in leisure pursuits. Whatever it is, you put effort, resources, and intention towards it. You do your best to learn, apply, and master the tips, techniques, and strategies to move you most efficiently and effectively toward your hoped-for end. Jesus also had a very clear standard for his life. When asked what the most important commandment (directive for living) was, he said very clearly: Love God and love others. Everything else grew out of these priorities. Followers of Jesus commit to this same goal and purpose. And the good news is, it's not as hard as you might think to keep your focus on loving God and loving others! Worship Link:

The Hacked Life: Connect

The Hacked Life: Connect Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in the Chapel and Online: We begin every day with the best of intentions. "Today I will.... get out of bed on my first alarm... stick to my diet... be kinder to my spouse... spend more time with my kids... be to work on time... go to bed early..." But, as one wise person noted, "Life has a way of disregarding even our best intentions." The same happens with our spiritual lives. Our best intentions to stay connected with Jesus and other followers get waylaid by competing priorities, overbooked schedules, and the many demands of life. But there are things we can do to stay in deep connection with Jesus. Just like life hacks can help us stay on track with daily intentions and habits, let's consider some spiritual hacks that can help us walk more closely with Jesus... Worship Link:

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