Sunday Hymn Sing

Hymn Sing Sunday! Sing along or simply just sit back and listen to all your favorite hymns presented by Andy Riggs, Minister of Music and the Worship Team at Union Chapel Indy. Worship Link:

Union Chapel Indy Minister of Music and Friends present "A Morning of Encouragement & Worship!" Through music, Scripture, prayer, and song experience joy, hope, and encouragement. We will walk through the P-R-A-Y model that we learned last Fall. This will be an exciting morning of prayer and worship. Let us be encouraged! Worship Link:

Fear Not Week 2: Not Alone!

The month of October and its big event, Halloween, remind us of just how many things we are afraid! We're afraid of imaginary ghosts and goblins that lurk in shadowy places. We’re afraid of the dark, of things that go 'bump' in the night, and powers we don't understand. We're afraid of heights, of snakes, and of spiders. We’re afraid of getting sick, failing in our job, and losing an important relationship. We’re afraid of tomorrow and of the unknown. And while all these fears are real, so is God. When you are afraid, cling to the God who promises, "do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you with my victorious right hand." (Isaiah 41:10 NRSVUE) Worship Link: