Happy New Year, 2022!

Posted by Pastor Elizabeth Gilbert on

Happy New Year!


I pray that you have had a safe and meaningful holiday season. And I wish you all the best in the coming months. 

As we bid farewell to 2021 at Union Chapel Indy, we have much to celebrate and be thankful for. In 2021, Union Chapel Indy…

  • Returned (again) to in-person worship following a lengthy “COVID suspension.” Leaders, staff, volunteers, and worshipers have all been faithful to do all they can to keep everyone safe when we gather. Thank you!
  • Served our neighbors at Trinity Haven (trinityhavenindy.org) and local families with love as we’ve provided practical assistance throughout the year, and Christmas gifts during the holiday season. And we were able to join with other area United Methodists in serving Afghan refugees who found themselves in Central Indiana.
  • Dedicated the new space here at Union Chapel Indy with a beautiful service and fun party! (Find the photos of this - and so much of our life together - on Facebook)
  • Welcomed The Garden Community Church (a United Methodist congregation) to join us in this beautiful new building, and to partner in a few joint ministries and programs. 
  • And enjoyed activities like a Smoke Off! (smoked meat event) to support mission through the United Methodist Committee on Relief, special worship experiences during the seasons of Lent and Advent, and small group experiences throughout the year to continue growing as followers of Jesus.

We give thanks to God for God’s faithful provision and leadership in all of this! And I thank you for your faithful generosity that has helped fund and fuel the ministry and mission of this congregation.

As we head into 2022, I am excited for all that God will do in and among us in the coming months. Thank you for your financial commitments that will make it all happen. Please be reminded that you can set up safe online giving at unionchapelindy.org, and you can also set up automatic giving through your bank so that even if you can’t be present on a Sunday, this ministry remains strong and vibrant as your giving continues uninterrupted. And if you updated your giving commitment for 2022, please take this opportunity to update the platform you use for giving to reflect that change. Please call the church office if we can help you with any aspect of your generosity and giving.

It is a joy to serve with you, as we seek to live and love like Jesus. Please be in touch if I can be in prayer with you about anything in particular, or otherwise be helpful. I am looking forward to ministry and mission in 2022 with you!



Tags: church, mission, ministry, new, leadership, giving, happy, union, chapel, congregation, year, indy, methodist, indianapolis, accomplishment
