Exciting news!
In September, Union Chapel Indy will host a "Fresh Expressions" workshop. Fresh Expressions is a model of outreach designed especially for churches seeking to be more missional. It is one of the most effective ways for a church to reach and disciple persons who...
Happy New Year!
I pray that you have had a safe and meaningful holiday season. And I wish you all the best in the coming months.
As we bid farewell to 2021 at Union Chapel Indy, we have much to celebrate and be thankful for. In 2021, Union Chapel Indy…
Returned (again)...
The Hearts and Hands Ministry is a dedicated group of individuals who typically meet every other Monday here at Union Chapel with the expressed purpose of providing physical and spiritual comfort to individuals through the gift of a handmade fleece tie quilt.
Making the quilts is...
Last summer we launched our first Intergenerational Vacation Bible School (IVBS) and it was a huge success! You may ask, what are the advantages of an IVBS? Here's the scoop:
1. Children with challenges that might make being left on their own at a VBS program a frightening prospect can attend...