We welcome you to visit Union Chapel Indy!
What To Expect:
If you come to Union Chapel Indy on a Sunday morning to worship, you will receive a warm welcome and discover friendly people who are glad to meet you. Worship is creative and engaging. Sometimes worship includes live electronic...
December 17, 2022Dear Friends,
I pray that this letter finds you enjoying this season of preparation and anticipation as we approach Christmas. It has been a joy to lead in ministry, mission, and worship here at Union Chapel Indy during this special time of year.
And thank you for the many...
Happy New Year!
I pray that you have had a safe and meaningful holiday season. And I wish you all the best in the coming months.
As we bid farewell to 2021 at Union Chapel Indy, we have much to celebrate and be thankful for. In 2021, Union Chapel Indy…
Returned (again)...
August 2, 2021
Dear Friends,
They say that time flies when you are having fun. I’ve found the same to be true when you are engaged with good people in meaningful ministry and mission, as has been the case this last year at Union Chapel Indy. On July 1, I celebrated one year at UCI. Mike...
Dear Friends,
I hope this greeting finds you and yours well and safe. When we all received word from Bishop Trimble way back in February that I would be coming to serve as pastor at Union Chapel UMC, none of us would have guessed that we would be making this transition during a global health...