If you had to spend the rest of your life on a deserted island—and you could only take three things with you—what would you take? It's likely that you would choose to take things that ensured your survival into the future, like a knife, matches, and a water filter. While we might want to take things of sentimental value, it is really only those things that contribute to a meaningful future that would earn a place in our backpack. When we think about our futures, what kinds of things do we suppose will have meaning there? Will our children value our old furniture - or the resiliency and work ethic we gifted them? Will the organizations we've been a part of need the things we accomplished through them in the past - or the quality culture we helped build? And when we think about the future of the Church, what will the future Church need to remain a faithful and effective witness for Jesus in the world? There really are only a few things of value that the future Church needs... and those things are all about God's promise, provision, and direction. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KTEVfCGQis

Scripture is filled with intriguing characters who left profound legacies. As we look closer, we find that they were not that different from us. They too, experienced challenges, heartaches, successes, and failures. Their lives knew fear, doubt, and worry, and yet their lives bear witness to the everlasting story of God’s hope and love for God’s people. The Holy Spirit is hoping to do the same thing in our day and age through people just like us. We are called to be a story of hope, joy, and purpose that encourages and inspires future followers. What will be your legacy? Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4PElC75-u0