If you had to spend the rest of your life on a deserted island—and you could only take three things with you—what would you take? It's likely that you would choose to take things that ensured your survival into the future, like a knife, matches, and a water filter. While we might want to take things of sentimental value, it is really only those things that contribute to a meaningful future that would earn a place in our backpack. When we think about our futures, what kinds of things do we suppose will have meaning there? Will our children value our old furniture - or the resiliency and work ethic we gifted them? Will the organizations we've been a part of need the things we accomplished through them in the past - or the quality culture we helped build? And when we think about the future of the Church, what will the future Church need to remain a faithful and effective witness for Jesus in the world? There really are only a few things of value that the future Church needs... and those things are all about God's promise, provision, and direction. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KTEVfCGQis