How To Do Hard Things: Together Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in the Chapel and Online Sometimes we avoid doing hard things because we get overwhelmed by the magnitude and scope of the thing. We convince ourselves that there is no way we can do all things that are required to complete the task. And especially when God calls us to a God-sized task, we are sure we can't do it! But we forget that as members of the Body of Christ (the Church) we are not called to do everything - only those things that God has specifically crafted and equipped us to do. God has crafted and equipped others to do the things we can't do, so that together, we can do hard things! Wondering how to do hard things? 1. Discover what God wants you to do and lean into God's strength, gifts, and purposes: 2. Step outside of your comfort zone. That's where you will find God and God's best for you and the world. 3. Don't try to do everything. Do those things that only you can do and let others do what only they can do. God has it all worked out! Worship Link:

We all have a comfort zone. What’s your comfort zone? We don’t want to worry about making ends meet, we want to have enough food, clothes, and conveniences to make life, well – comfortable. And we don't want to have hard conversations, face conflict, or work too hard, either. While there is nothing inherently wrong with pursuing security, peace of mind, or well-being, we sometimes place our comfort above the hard things God calls us to do. So what do we do when our desire for comfort bumps headlong into God's call to do hard things? We have to step outside our comfort zones. Wondering how to do hard things? 1. Discover what God wants you to do and lean into God's strength, gifts, and purposes. (See message of January 5, 2025) 2. Step outside of your comfort zone. That's where you will find God and God's best for you and the world. Worship Link:

Ever heard the rumor, “You can do anything you set your mind to!”? Spoiler Alert: It’s not true. At least not literally. No matter how badly we want to run 100 mph, or read a language we've never learned, or stay awake for 30 days straight, we simply cannot do these things. But we can do hard things, and some things that are seemingly impossible. It's a matter of what those things are and who is providing the impetus, power, and resources to do those hard things. Our own wild dreams that defy physical limits are not the hard things we can do. But when God calls us to do hard things, we can trust that God will supply all we need to get them done. Wondering how to do hard things? 1. Discover what God wants you to do and lean into God's strength, gifts, and purposes. Worship Link: