We all have a comfort zone. What’s your comfort zone? We don’t want to worry about making ends meet, we want to have enough food, clothes, and conveniences to make life, well – comfortable. And we don't want to have hard conversations, face conflict, or work too hard, either. While there is nothing inherently wrong with pursuing security, peace of mind, or well-being, we sometimes place our comfort above the hard things God calls us to do. So what do we do when our desire for comfort bumps headlong into God's call to do hard things? We have to step outside our comfort zones. Wondering how to do hard things? 1. Discover what God wants you to do and lean into God's strength, gifts, and purposes. (See message of January 5, 2025) 2. Step outside of your comfort zone. That's where you will find God and God's best for you and the world. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na2XVOumBIM
Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na2XVOumBIM