If your smart phone is new enough, you have a photo feature titled "portrait." When you use this feature, the item in the foreground comes into focus while everything else becomes a bit blurry. This highlights the selected item and shows it in a new way. In this season when we return to the familiar story of Jesus' birth, we are invited to see the story - and the world around us - with a different lens... one that helps us see everything in a new way. This season we are invited to use a lens that highlights the holy all around us. This year we are invited to see that all of life is pregnant with Christ... not just Mary in a story from long ago. This year may we discover that everyone and everything is capable of bursting forth with goodness and grace, that everything reflects the sacred. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgP2m5z-IQQ

Christmas Eve Lessons & Carols

Wherever you journey this night, this week, this next year... - to the streets and neighborhoods - across your office to a co-worker - down the street to the new family that just moved in... ...go with God to be light and love to a world in need of all that God gives... - Hope - Love - Joy and - Peace.... - Share generously the light and love of Christmas... Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw4Xf3ZeWpI

There are so many beautiful Christmas Carols to enjoy this time of year. And near the top of every list of favorites is "Silent Night." Maybe it is beloved for its beautiful, lilting melody - or maybe for its poetic words that paint such beautiful images in our mind. Or maybe it is so loved because it calls us to be still in the middle of a hectic season and in that quiet, lift our hearts to the One who is born Savior on the most holy of nights. And while we may know that any night on which is baby is born is not really a silent night, we can be assured that as we draw near the Babe of Bethlehem, we will find peace and rest. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udOOtwVk1F4

Welcome to Christmas Eve, Candles & Carols Celebration! Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ur9RmebZSFA

As we prepare to celebrate this most holy night, we invite you to gather into your space your advent wreath, if you've been using one this season. And you might also want to gather additional candles, one for each person worshiping in your location. Of course, if you don't have these things nearby, please don't give it another thought. Worship Link: https://youtu.be/cYwf7p8rvaY