If your smart phone is new enough, you have a photo feature titled "portrait." When you use this feature, the item in the foreground comes into focus while everything else becomes a bit blurry. This highlights the selected item and shows it in a new way. In this season when we return to the familiar story of Jesus' birth, we are invited to see the story - and the world around us - with a different lens... one that helps us see everything in a new way. This season we are invited to use a lens that highlights the holy all around us. This year we are invited to see that all of life is pregnant with Christ... not just Mary in a story from long ago. This year may we discover that everyone and everything is capable of bursting forth with goodness and grace, that everything reflects the sacred. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgP2m5z-IQQ
Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgP2m5z-IQQ