Why go "Intergenerational" with Vacation Bible School?
Last summer we launched our first Intergenerational Vacation Bible School (IVBS) and it was a huge success! You may ask, what are the advantages of an IVBS? Here's the scoop:
1. Children with challenges that might make being left on their own at a VBS program a frightening prospect can attend and flourish with a family member or caregiver
2. Families who are new to the area and don't know anyone in our congregation can attend with their kids to feel more confident.
3. Our own congregational members -- some of whom may not have kids in the program -- get the chance to get to know *and fall in love* the kids of the congregation, leaving a legacy of good memories for those kids and helping to build their faith.
4. The kids of our congregation get a chance to learn from loving adults who have a lot of valuable life experience to offer... creating a lifelong bond with the home church.
This summer, we'll be studying the story of Moses and how that story teaches us how to overcome adversity. We'll meet on four consecutive Sunday evenings in June, offering wild and wonderful snacks, STEM experiments, cultural history, fun music, building projects, crafts and lots of surprises. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun for one Sunday or all four! Contact with questions or to volunteer as a helper.
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