Feeling anxious? You’re not alone. Between things like financial pressure, health problems, and job stress, it can feel like anxiety is your only option. But your mind matters to God and He wants more for you. Whatever we meditate on becomes deeply rooted in our minds. In today's sermon, we close out the Anxious for Nothing series by focusing on the whatsoever things of God as God's goodness and grace washes over us. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUFf9p-mXsA

Who do you trust most? Who would you leave your children with, share your deepest secrets with, entrust your finances to, invite to lead an important project at work? Some of us trust easily; some of us are more reluctant to fully give up control of anything that we value. Even when we take our concerns, problems, worry, and anxiety to God, we are hesitant to fully release them to God. Yes, we want God's help and peace. But it's hard to trust that God will work things out in the ways we want, with the outcomes we desire, on our preferred timeline. But God is fully trustworthy. And when we can learn to fully release our worries to God, we can grow in our ability to be anxious for nothing. Worship link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=np5zKnzFDME

We each and all are impacted by the current mental health crisis in America. We either live with a diagnosed mental health disorder; or we occasionally experience a lesser degree of anxiety, stress or depression; or we are in relationship with someone who does. How do we best cope, help, and give hope as we discover anxiety in ourselves or others? When do we seek professional help? How does our faith inform and support us in the midst of difficult times and overwhelming emotions? Scripture invites us to seek help from God in prayer when we are anxious. Good advice! The Holy Spirit of God is a helper, an advocate, and a friend in times of trouble. And God often sends aid through others. When life is difficult, it's good to ask God - and others - for help. It's more than good... it's OK, it's healthy, and it's the right thing to do. On Sunday, August 14, as Union Chapel Indy continues the series, "Anxious for Nothing," The Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Chandler, pastoral counselor and therapist, will bring the message to help us understand when it's appropriate to seek professional help for our mental health concerns, how faith helps when we have anxiety and stress, and how we can be helpful friends when those around us are suffering. Join us in-person or online at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, August 14. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4I_nDOkS4vw

Everyone wrestles with occasional worry and stress, but in recent years’ anxiety has taken hold in our culture in epidemic proportions. We feel it in our jobs, in our families and relationships, in nearly every area of our lives. Despite the uncertainty of the world and the pressure we place on ourselves, Scripture encourages us to release that anxiety to God. When we do, we don’t have to lie awake at night. Our shortness of breath and racing minds can be replaced by life-giving rest. We can feel a peace that goes beyond all understanding. With God, we are anxious for nothing. (Note: From time to time we each experience everyday stress and anxiety that negatively impacts our lives. There are spiritual practices that are helpful with this. We will explore some of those in this series, “Anxious for Nothing.” However, there are times when the stress and anxiety we feel is beyond what we can manage on our own. If you have any concern about the anxiety you are feeling, or concern for your emotional or mental well-being, please seek the help of a medical or mental health professional. Contact your personal physician, visit www.in.gov/bewellindiana, or call 211 for help and resources.) Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z___f1e77VU&t=2618s