For some, summer vacation is a time to seek out a body of water and let the cares of the world wash away as they float on the gentle waves and soak up the sun. Or maybe a visit to the local pool is your way to cool down during the hot summer days. And an icy, cold drink of water is just the thing to refresh after a hot afternoon working in the yard. Water has the power to relax, refresh and rejuvenate in ways almost nothing else can. And water has the power to overwhelm and overpower, as well. A day out on the water in a boat can be a lot of fun, but being lost in the ocean or left adrift without power in the open water can be frightening and dangerous. Noah, one of the legendary figures of the faith, found himself dealing with a terrifying amount of water. Both the springs of the earth and the clouds above had opened to cover the earth with water. Living day to day in perilous conditions and without any certainty about their future, Noah drifted day and night. Even without solid footing below or a plan for ever getting off the boat, Noah was safely adrift, confident in the care of his Lord. Does your future look bleak? Are you feeling like you are adrift without direction or details? Even in the most dire of circumstances, you are not alone. Even if you are adrift, you are safely adrift in the care of your good and loving God. When God is all we have we discover that we have everything we need. Worship link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFGa9DH3HNg