Fitness Clubs and Diet Plan marketers are taking advantage of the seasonal urge to renew ourselves. As the calendar turns over a new year, many of us feel the desire to turn over a new leaf in ourselves. The allure of a new body or renewed health makes the gym membership tempting. The new year is also a time we might turn the page of our spiritual lives. What can we leave behind of the old year, celebrate of today, and work towards over the next twelve months that could enliven and deepen our relationship with God? On this New Year's Eve at Union Chapel Indy we celebrate the God of our yesterdays, today, and tomorrows, and look forward to a year of renewed faith. Worship Link: https://www.facebook.com/UnionChapelIndy/videos/278946768138739

In a world that values productivity, multi-tasking, and high achievement, it can be hard to tend to our spiritual needs. It feels so unproductive to spend time with God in worship, prayer, or times of quiet and reflection. But that is precisely what God invites us to do. Not only is it life-giving and restorative, it's where we find the greatest, most important work is accomplished - that of growing close to and walking with our Creator, God, and Friend. Worship link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dAK96vYl7E

Today's Worship Experience: Something Beautiful The arts and crafts industry is booming, and DIY-ers are putting a strain on home improvement supplies. With more people at home, and many with extra time on their hands through the pandemic, these industries seem to be at a high point. Stores like Michael's, JoAnn's, and Lowes provide everything from the raw materials to pre-designed projects to completed, inspirational pieces. Facebook pages like "Repurpose + Upcycle = Inspiration" have thousands of followers. A quick search on Pinterest gives ideas for crafting jewelry, home decor, gifts, fashion, and more. We are born with the desire to enhance our lives and environments with beautiful things. Some of us are wired to especially enjoy the creative process. Creativity and beauty are characteristics of the one Creator, the God who created all that is, the God that continues to re-create. Feeling a little blah and bland after a year of pandemic? Join God in the creative process and let God make something new and beautiful in you. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnQmv3mpvSM&t=1s