Jesus has good news for those who are poor (literally) humble, lowly, the needy, the afflicted. Christ looks for those who have been passed over, the outcasts, who realize that they need Someone to come for them. He comes for those who know they are sick, not for those who think they are well. Blessed are the poor in spirit, Jesus would say. He has good news for those who realize just how desperately they need a Savior. In Luke 4:14-21 we find the ‘first sermon’ of Jesus being proclaimed in the synagogue. As followers of Jesus, we have a similar calling with the marginalized, the disenfranchised, those who are hurting and in need of Christ’s love. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQhlVNKXj68&t=1766s

January is the time for New Year's Resolutions, (re)commitment to noble goals and higher ideals, and of course, new diets, stepped-up exercise routines, and healthier living. And in the Methodist tradition, we are also invited to renew our commitment to Jesus and a life of faith. This time of year the world calls us to self-improvement and renewed resolve. Jesus calls us to live like him and walk in his ways. Both require some introspection and discipline; both will ask something of us. But the good news of Jesus' call is that it comes with everything we need to see growth and forward progress: a loving God, the power of the Holy Spirit, the faithful presence of Jesus, and a loving community to support and encourage. Step into the New Year with confidence, you walk with the One who both calls - and equips - you. Worship link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IicGCbmXHPY