We sometimes wonder if we’ve got the right gifts for the job of loving as Jesus loved, serving as Jesus served and entertaining strangers. God uses whatever gifts we have to share God’s grace and hope with others. A spiritual gift is abilities given to us by God, and carried out through us by the Holy Spirit.Our repeated patterns of hospitality create habits that shape our character. If we're going to be people of hospitality, we need the power of the Holy Spirit. We need to use every gift that God has given us to make the difference, to make the impact. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lY8tzHeQiuA

Few of us make it through this life without disappointments, mistakes, and outright failures. Falling down is a part of life. And it's easy to let those negative experiences define us. Our shortcomings cling to us much more insistently than our successes and achievements. We might even come to believe that we are less than others, not as good as the people around us, and not worthy of care, respect, love, or affirmation. But the good news is that God doesn't see us that way. Even if we - and others - don't think much of us, God loves us passionately and completely. It matters not who we are or what we and others think of us, God welcomes you into the family of God. Come on in! There's a place for you here. Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtuXEanmMuo

We often live our lives like desk-drawer organizers. Work concerns stay at work. Family issues stay at home. Travel and leisure have their own space in our lives. Many people use multiple calendars for this very reason—one for work, one for family, etc. But one personal efficiency expert declares, “You have one life; use one calendar.” It’s hard enough to integrate all our activities into one calendar, what will we do with our church stuff, our God stuff? Do you keep it separate from everything else? The questions we have been asking ourselves in The 21-Day Wesley Challenge seem to suggest that we have one life that relates to God, faces internal struggles, and interacts with others in the world. It’s certainly less complicated to bring our one divine love to our one life along with everyone and everything in it. When our one faith is lived out in our one life, the One we follow is revealed and made real... Worship Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uO-oX2go-Pg

Who's right and who's wrong; who's qualified and who isn't; who's in and who's out. As a species we seem bent on defining ourselves and others with the intent of drawing boundaries and building communities that share our values, our vision, our ideas, and our identities. This kind of thinking and activity has become so pervasive, that to experience anything different can seem suspect and subversive. But what if there was a place where, truly, you could show up and be welcomed and accepted just as you are? What if there was a place where you could rest your weary spirit, experience genuine hospitality, and let your guard down without having to agree with anyone, claim a certain ideology, or be anything in particular? Well... there is! Jesus invites you into his community that is Union Chapel Indy just as you are. Here, you are... welcome! Worship Link: https://www.facebook.com/UnionChapelIndy/videos/486910336125742/