Three Small Group Meet-Up Dates

Posted by Union Chapel Communications Team on

Though Sunday church services will remain online through July, Pastor Elizabeth is eager to find ways to get to know congregation members more deeply.

Three dates have been set aside for small groups (5-6 individuals or family groups due to social distancing constraints) to meet and enjoy a casual evening of fun and fellowship. Bring a lawn chair if you have one!

*Monday, July 20, 7:00 p.m.*
At the church shelter, hosted by Carol Sanchez and Lisa Lorentz

*Wednesday, July 22, 7:00 p.m.*
At the Lorentz back yard, hosted by Lisa Lorentz and Carol Sanchez

*Thursday, July 23, 7:00 p.m.*
At the Linquist back yard, hosted by Janet and Pat Linquist.

You must RSVP to attend an event. To do so, click the link below. Additional information and locations are included in the next link. More dates will be added if there is need. If you would like to host an additional event at the church or your home, please contact
