NOW FORMING: Free Community Children's Choir at IFAA

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FREE Community Children's Choir The Children's Choir of Nora is a partnership between the Indiana Fine Arts Academy and Union Chapel UMC.  The goal is to provide an engaging, diverse, and affordable vocal opportunity on the Northside of Indianapolis. Each participant will...

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Tags: choral, free, indiana, indianapolis, indianápolis, music instruction, union chapel, united methodist church, nora children's choir

Guitar Class Forming at Indiana Fine Arts Academy

Posted by Union Chapel Communications Team on

Union Chapel's longtime ministry partner, the Indiana Fine Arts Academy, has just a few spots open in this semester's Guitar course. Sign up now! Guitar class affords each participant a solid foundation in beginning guitar. A method book will be utilized allowing students to continue...

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Tags: guitar, indiana fine arts academy, indianapolis, indianápolis, leasons, music, nora, union chapel, united methodist church, paul schafer

Help Wanted

Posted by Union Chapel Communications Team on

HELLLLLLLLP!Church Friends: We could use a couple of hours of your help on Saturday, September 16 between 3:00 and 7:00 p.m. when we host the community at our Last Blast of Summer Block Party. Volunteers, contact the church at 317.846.3429 or for more details.

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Tags: block party, indiana, indianapolis, indianápolis, nora, outreach, union chapel indy, volunteer

Are You Participating in Our Yard Sale?

Posted by Union Chapel Communications Team on

September 15 and 16, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Open to any church member. RSVP to 317-846-3429. Limited tent space. First come, first served. Sellers: Bring your merchandise, table, chair and change. Keep all your profits! Donors: If you wish to donate items toward the church’s sale, bring...

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Tags: block party, neighborhood, september, union chapel indy, united methodist church, yard sale

Does God Love Some Children Less?

Posted by Andy Charnstrom on

Dear Friends:   This week--in the midst of a natural disaster of yet-unknown but epic proportion and on the heels of the still-simmering confrontation with evil that merely raised its ugly head at Charlottesville, Virginia--in the midst of matters that cry out for the attention of...

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Tags: bisexual, division, gay, homosexuality, indiana, indianapolis, indianápolis, judgement, lesbian, love one another, nora, sexuality, union chapel indy, united methodist church, unity, lbgtq, nashville statement, transgender or queer

Two Bible Journaling Workshops Coming! Learn more...

Posted by Lisa Lorentz on

Chapel U Lunch and Learn: Bible and Spiritual Journaling --a way to experience your spiritual study more deeply. Elaine Davis of Illustrate Faith, our host, will take us step-by-step through the emerging art of spiritual journaling. Don't be intimidated! It's easy to begin and no artistic...

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Tags: adult learning, adult ministries, art, bible journaling, chapel u, chapel university, indiana, indianapolis, indianápolis, nora, scrapbooking, union chapel, united methodist church, workshops, spiritual journaling

“Things are more like they are today than they’ve ever been. “ 

Posted by Andy Charnstrom on

“Things are more like they are today than they’ve ever been. “  Yogi Berra at his best, stating the obvious but in a way that told an unseen truth.  Yes, Yogi could “say that twice today and mean it”.1 Things are more like they are today than they have...

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Tags: civil rights, corruption, healing, jesus, oppression, times of unrest

Chapel U: Small Space Gardening Workshop

Posted by Lisa Lorentz on

Lunch and Learn... Chapel U is venturing into your green space! Turn your small space into an inviting garden for butterflies, birds, bees, and wildlife. NOW is the time to plan! You don’t even need a large space. All you need is the desire and a few pots to plant flowers. Learn how to...

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Tags: adult learning, chapel u, chapel university, small space, union chapel indy, union chapel united methodist church, workshop, garden planning, container gardening

By Popular Demand: Legacy Writing Workshop

Posted by Lisa Lorentz on

Legacy Writing Workshop: Saturday, August 26th | 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. | Free.Bring a snack to share and let’s get this started! Join writer Lisa Lorentz for a fun afternoon of sorting out our thoughts and beginning our memoirs -- a legacy for our descendants. Free starter journal | RSVP...

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Tags: adult ministries, chapel u, chapel university, community service, faith in action, indiana, indianapolis, indianápolis, nora, outreach, union chapel, united methodist church, legacy writing project

20|20 Vision Sunday: August 27th

Posted by Union Chapel Communications Team on

A Landmark Event in the Life of Our Church: The Vision Team (Andy Charnstrom, Mike Oles, Lisa Lorentz, Carolyn Lorenzoni, Bryan Richards, Dr. Richard Wiehe) has met, prayerfully, over the course of months -- assimilating demographic information, consulting leaders in the United Methodist...

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