The COVID-19 global pandemic, and all its accompanying disruptions, has challenged us in ways both foreseen and unexpected. Maybe one of the most unexpected consequences of the last six months has been the sense of grief we've experienced over losses both small and large. Some have experienced losses that are large and significant, losses like jobs and loved ones. Nearly everyone has experienced losses that are maybe less significant, but no less real.... time with friends and loved ones, milestone celebrations like graduations and weddings, and summer vacations. And then there are the less tangible losses like loss of a sense of freedom or the loss of a feeling of security. If you live your life connected with a church, you've known loss in that area of your life, too. In-person worship was absent for a long time, and a return to that practice is quite different than before. Helpful friendships and supportive relationships have been difficult to maintain. At Union Chapel Indy there has been significant construction on the building in our absence over these last months. Even the space will feel different when we experience it again. Grief is a natural response to loss, and it has its place in a healthy healing process. And we trust that God is in our grief with us. We also look to God for a way through the grief. Scripture promises, that even though "... weeping may linger for the night... joy comes with the morning." (Psalm 30:5 NRSV) Even as we grieve the losses of recent months, God gives us the opportunity to choose another way. Though we may not feel happy, we can choose joy - with God and with confidence! Worship Link: https://youtu.be/Q2TttwIbLDo
Worship link: https://youtu.be/Q2TttwIbLDo