At Union Chapel Indy, for the rest of the month of August, we are all about Gratitude. We are meeting in small groups and other formats to study “The Gratitude Path” by Kent Millard. (Email Jacob@unionchapelindy.org to learn more or connect with a group.) We are in as many ways as possible, examining the biblical concept of gratitude and seeking to grow in our own practice of the discipline of gratitude. To start this series, we have a story to share with you today that highlights the power and impact that a life of gratitude can have. You may know Victoria Arlen from the hit show Dancing with the Stars. But her story starts well before that appearance as a celebrity dancer, and is a powerful example of what being grateful can accomplish. Thank you for joining us in Chapel Connect today to hear her story. Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW6l0-9Y0so
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW6l0-9Y0so