There is so much to do on any given day, we all do our best to employ the latest and greatest efficiency techniques... lists, notes, delegating, planners of all kinds. We are willing to do whatever it takes to get more done! Even as followers of Jesus we sense the need to be efficient and productive. There is so much to be done that we often sacrifice our time with Jesus to be about the business of Jesus. And besides, spending time with Jesus in prayer is so... so... nebulous. We don't know what to say, and we don't very often sense that God is even listening or that it really matters that we say anything at all. Roadblocks abound when it comes to praying and spending time with Jesus. Feeling the need to get things done is one of the biggest. But Jesus and the early church held praying as one of the highest priorities of the spiritual life. Maybe those roadblocks are the ideal place to pause and refocus our time with the Divine. Worship Link: