Sunday Night: Intergenerational Vacation Bible School Day Two

Posted by Lisa Lorentz on

Sunday brings Night Two of our very popular Intergenerational Vacation Bible School and you don't want to miss it! We're looking forward to another fun-filled night of learning and laughing. Just a hint: the snacks we're planning are going to be grrrrrreat and Noah will make another appearance! If you missed last week, it's not too late... we're still building our arks and learning more about Noah's deep faith.  Meet us in Fellowship Hall at 6:00 p.m., this Sunday, June 10.

Some photos from last week's adventure:

Tags: ark, bible, chapel, children, church, genesis, génesis, indiana, indianapolis, indianápolis, indy, intergenerational, kids, methodist, noah, school, union, united, vacation
