Men's Ministry: Improving their Serve

Posted by Union Chapel Communications Team on

On the first Saturday of each month, rather than meeting for breakfast, as usual, our Men's Ministry has been meeting where they were needed most -- usually at the home of someone who required a little help around the house or yard.  Now, after some prayerful consideration, they feel led to make this an ongoing project. Here are the details:

Who:  Men of the church, but gals are welcome too!

When:  First Saturday of the month, 8:00 a.m.

Where:  That depends on the project. Contact Tony Matteucci ( ) or Pat Linquist for the next meeting location

What: A small but meaningful project each month for a friend in need of help or expertise

Why: Hebrews 13:16

How: Get involved every month or occasionally. You're always welcome to come and help -- and even to learn from the expertise of the men around you!

Eligible Projects

Work that can be done in a single morning with the tools and materials on hand. For example, small roof repairs, mowing, debris removal, oil change, furniture removal, etc.

Eligible projects are suggested, verified, and coordinated through the Unified Council and Buildings & Grounds Team.  Each project recipient will pay for materials and Men's Ministry supplies the labor and/or know-how. 

Eligible recipients include members, neighbors, and friends of the church who are disabled, in ill health, elderly, or in financial crisis. 
