Farewell Gathering for Pastor Jacob
Dear Friends,
In February, we shared the exciting news that Pastor Jacob Tipantasig-Wolverton was due to graduate from seminary in May. We also shared that Pastor Jacob received a full-time appointment in the Northern Illinois Conference, and would be the Lead Pastor at Community United Methodist Church in Naperville, Illinois, effective July 1.
Sunday, June 4, will be Pastor Jacob's last Sunday leading worship at Union Chapel Indy. Following worship, we will celebrate Jacob and all that he has contributed to UCI. Please join us in the UCI Fellowship Hall (lower level) for refreshments and to surround the Tipantasig-Wolverton family with love and best wishes as they embark on their next journey.
If you would like to contribute to a love offering for Jacob and his family, please make that gift through your usual giving avenue, marking your gift “Pastor Jacob Love Offering.” Checks or cash can also be given in the Sunday morning offering, marked “Pastor Jacob Love Offering.”
If you have any questions please reach out to me through the church office, 317.846.3429.
Brittany Long
Staff Parish Relations Chair
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