By Popular Demand: Legacy Writing Workshop

Posted by Lisa Lorentz on

Legacy Writing Workshop:

Saturday, August 26th | 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. | Free.
Bring a snack to share and let’s get this started!
Join writer Lisa Lorentz for a fun afternoon of sorting out our thoughts and beginning our memoirs -- a legacy for our descendants.
Free starter journal | RSVP today:  or 317.846.3429

At our inaugural "Chapel University" event last Wednesday, it was clear that lots of people wanted an ongoing opportunity to meet and work together on their legacy writing projects... for support, inspiration, resource sharing, and community.  So if you missed the first meeting, now's the time to jump in! Everyone welcome.


Tags: adult ministries, chapel u, chapel university, community service, faith in action, indiana, indianapolis, indianápolis, nora, outreach, union chapel, united methodist church, legacy writing project
