As Union Chapel moves into the future, we take a moment to appreciate where we've been. Our history is rich, the faith of our forefathers reaching back to Indiana's "pioneer days." Here, we present episode four of five. If you've found yourself in the middle of the story, the other installments are here: One, Two, Three, four.
The death of an influential congregational member in early 2004 set into motion events bringing the church a signifi cant financial endowment. In hindsight, this may have been a mixed blessing, as members began to rely on those funds for the operation of the church, and personal giving dropped sharply.
Some of the gifted funds were designated for capital improvements. In 2006 a new Rogers hybrid pipe/digital organ was installed and in 2007, an elevator at the east entrance finally allowed those with mobility issues to get from the sanctuary to the Fellowship Hall with more ease.
By 2008, the business climate of the time motivated a local developer to make an off er on the current building in order to erect a retail establishment. The congregation was exploring the idea when the developer declared bankruptcy and the deal was abandoned.
In 2015, seeking to expand ministry and relevance to the community, our congregation voted to explore two major foci: adopting the Fruitful Congregation Journey (FCJ) and essential building improvements.
The FCJ program involved working with Conference leaders and other congregations in a structured manner to identify ways in which the church might be hindering its own growth. Toward the end of 2016, the congregation voted to implement an FCJ Ministry Action Plan that will lead us to become a more open and growing congregation.
In the meantime, the Building Committee identifi ed features that would make the church an ideal space, physically, determining that a gathering area and more-obvious entry point with close-by parking were the most essential updates to the property, to keep pace with modern needs. An architect was hired. Plans were drawn and presented to the congregation.
Funding has been explored. A vote on acceptance of the plan is anticipated soon. Approval is deemed critical to the survival of the congregation.
Begun as a nondenominational worship space, Union Chapel has been a Methodist congregation for 120 years. As we work to SEEK the will of God, to SERVE the church and community, and to do this TOGETHER, we look forward to the fruitful years ahead, anticipating a great many more fruitful years in the Nora community.
A copy of the history keepsake booklet, "Faith of Our Fathers," is available by calling the church office at (317) 846-3429,
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